GitHub Issue associated with addressing feedback: #62
Pull Request: #63
• Added a “Support” section and included Docker in the “Dependencies” section of
• Used a more descriptive name for the figure.
• Added titles to the charts to enhance clarity for the audience.
• Used a more descriptive name for the function.
• Used a parameter instead of hardcoding the train_df path.
• Provided a more detailed explanation of why right-handed players have an advantage and how this insight could significantly benefit NHL teams in competitions.
• Included specific numbers about left- vs. right-handed players in the “Looking at the Data” section.
GitHub Issue associated with addressing feedback: #55
Pull Request: #57
- Changed name of to to be more descriptive.
- Added Creative Commons License to
GitHub Issue associated with addressing feedback: #56
Pull request: #58
- Added documentation to and
- Added assumptions and limitations section to methods.
- Updated misleading statement in the results section of our report.
- Updated Altair reference to add DOI.
Pull request: #44
- Information about specific features (height, weight) used within model added.
- Hyperparameter tuning was not attempted (as explicitly stated in report) so no changes were made
- Reasons for using logisitic regression added
- Automated tests added to report to validate data
- Introduction section changed to focus more on key points (importance of being able to predict shooting hand)
- Emphasis of value of this analysis to NHL teams also added to introduction
- Broader implications of results in scouting already addressed in section 'What impact could such findings have?'
- Taking into account additional variables is already addressed in our final section