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A Gatsby theme for MDX content organized by collections

This plugin does:

  1. Generates favicon from src/favicon.png
  2. Sources the content from basePath and creates multiple collections based on your config
  3. Create category and post GraphQL types and cross-reference them, so you can query all posts from a collection easily
  4. Uses sharp transformer
  5. Uses smartypants for good typography
  6. It's not opinionated in terms of styling (bring your own)


Install as a dependency to your Gatsby site

npm install gatsby-theme-content-collections

add the following to your gatsby-config.js:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-theme-content-collections`,
      options: {
        basePath: "content", // This is the directory where the content is stored
        assetPath: "assets", // Path to assets referenced in the content relative to basePath
        collections: ["posts", "events"] // Collection folder / names relative to basePath

Add *.md or *.mdx files to collection's directories /content/posts and /content/events.

Default type for Post:

type Post implements Node {
  id: ID!
  body: String
  categories: [Category] @link(from: "categories.value")
  coverImage: File
  collection: String
  date: Date @dateformat
  slug: String
  title: String

You can customize the schema in your gatsby-node if you want to extend them.


If you want to categorize your content, add categories.json with the following structure to each collection directory:

  "categories": [
      "id": "Tag"

id is the only required field. You can add additional fields, and they will be available to you via GraphQL on the category type.

Default type:

type Category implements Node {
  id: ID!
  collection: String
  slug: String!
  posts: [Post]!
  postCount: Int!

You can customize the schema in your gatsby-node if you want to extend them.


This plugin uses Gatsby shadowing for customization. In order to customize how pages are rendered for each collection, you'd need to override following files:

├── components
│   ├── CategoryPage.js
│   ├── PostPage.js
│   └── PostsPage.js
└── templates
    ├── category.js
    ├── fragments.js
    ├── post.js
    └── posts.js

For example, if you want different pages to be rendered depending on a collection:

import React from "react"
import BlogPostPage from "../../components/BlogPostPage"
import EventPage from "../../components/EventPage"

function PostPage(props) {
  switch (props.pageContext.collection) {
    case "posts": {
      return <BlogPostPage {...props} />
    case "events": {
      return <EventPage {...props} />
      return <h1>No page for this collection is defined</h1>

export default PostPage

Query all posts by a category

query PostsByCategory {
  category(id: { eq: "categoryId" }) {
    posts {


Add a src/favicon.png and to automatically generate icons using gatsby-plugin-favicon under the hood.


A Gatsby theme for MDX content organized by collections







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