A work-in-progress at the Metric Geometry and Gerrymandering Group (MGGG)
Annotate parts of a district to show what neighborhoods are in and out
Find out if your district might be gerrymandered
You can look up any district with this URL format: https://district-genius.herokuapp.com/map/HI-1
For single-district states (?) https://district-genius.herokuapp.com/map/WY-0
Look up your district boundaries (address search)
This part of your district boundary is particularly interesting. Why are these blocks in and other blocks out?
Click this line to read a comment (hoping to recruit some expert comments on these!)
Select another part of a district border, and make your own question or comment.
A User must be logged in to leave a Comment.
A Comment contains geo, text, and author information for a message left by a User.
A Map is created for each group of comments (for example, we have a Map for each district, and could add a Map for each organization which is interested in working on a district)
- LeafletJS
- Leaflet.draw
- Leaflet-heat for heatmap (currently adding at 2D centroid of a LineString, would like to have 1D midpoint of the line instead)
- Google Civic Information API
- jQuery and Bootstrap (but we could still switch to Angular or React)
npm install
export SESSION=secret_key
export API_KEY=google_api_key_authorized_for_civic_information
mongod &
npm start
Open source, MIT license