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ANARC05B - The Double HeLiX |
ANARC05B - The Double HeLiX |
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Change your current working directory by going into DAA-DoubleHelix
cd DAA-DoubleHelix
To run both the algorithms and all the tests:
To run only algorithms:
make run
To run the tests:
make test
Two finite, strictly increasing, integer sequences are given. Any common integer between the two sequences constitute an intersection point. Take for example the following two sequences where intersection points are printed in bold:
- First= 3 5 7 9 20 25 30 40 55 56 57 60 62
- Second= 1 4 7 11 14 25 44 47 55 57 100
You can walk over these two sequences in the following way:
You may start at the beginning of any of the two sequences. Now start moving forward. At each intersection point, you have the choice of either continuing with the same sequence you're currently on, or switching to the other sequence.
The objective is finding a path that produces the maximum sum of data you walked over. In the above example, the largest possible sum is 450, which is the result of adding 3, 5, 7, 9, 20, 25, 44, 47, 55, 56, 57, 60, and 62
The program will be tested on a number of test cases. Each test case will be
specified on two separate lines. Each line denotes a sequence and is specified
using the following format: n v1 v2 ... vn
where n is the length of the sequence, vi is the i^th^ element of the
1 <= n <= 10000 and -10000 <= vi <= 10000
indicates the end of input
For each test case, write on a separate line, the largest possible sum that can be produced.
We can traverse the sequence in the following manner:
- We may start at the beginning of any of the two sequences.
- At each intersection point, we have the choice of either continuing with the same sequence, or switching to the other sequence.
Step 1: Set sum1 & sum2 to be 0.
Step 2: Compare the values at the first index of both lists. Whichever is lesser, add its value to the appropriate sum variable and increment that list's index. Repeat this step until both the values are equal.
Step 3: When they are equal, add the value to both sum variables. Then find the maximum among sum1 & sum2 and assign that value to both of them. Then increment the index of both the lists.
Step 4: When the elements of either one of the list is exhausted, add the remaining values in the other list to its appropriate sum variable.
Step 5: Return the maximum of sum1 & sum2
Step 1: We generate the prefix sum lists of the given two sequences.
Step 2: We find the point of intersection of both lists. To do this we iterate through every element in a sequence and then perform a binary search for the intersection on the second sequence.
Step 3: On finding an intersection we find the difference between the prefix sum at the current intersection and prefix sum at previous intersection for the respective sequences and then greedily select the maximum among both and add it to a result variable.
Step 4: Since we have found the maximum till the final intersection, we now need to find the difference between the final element of prefix sum list and the final intersection for the respective sequences and then greedily select the maximum and add it to the result variable
sum1 = 0
sum2 = 0
i = 0
j = 0
while i < m and j < n
if A[i] < B[j]
sum1 += A[i++]
else if A[i] > B[j]
sum2 += B[j++]
sum1 += A[i]
sum2 += B[j]
sum1 = sum2 = max(sum1, sum2)
i++, j++
while i < m
sum1 += A[i++]
while j < n
sum2 += B[j++]
return max(sum1, sum2)
result, i, flag =0
prevIndA, prevIndB = 0
prefixA, prefixB
for i in range(A)
bs = binary_search(A[i]
if(bs != -1):
if (flag == 0):
flag = 1
result += max(prefixA[i], prefixB[bs])
result += max(prefixA[i]-prefixA[prevIndA]
prevIndA = i
prevIndB = bs
if (flag = 0):
result += max(pa1[-1], pa2[-1])
result += max(prefixA[-1]-prefixA[prevIndA]
Let's assume m be the length of list 1, ai be an element of list 1, n be
the length of list 2, bi be an element of list 2.
We have to prove that by using the following algorithm we get the maximum sum.
Since the elements in both the lists are ordered in strictly increasing order, we can predict where the elements from both the lists will attain equality i.e. intersection points.
When a
i< bi: This implies that aimust increase to become equal to bi. Thus we add aito sum1 because it is on the path to the next intersection point and traverse to the next element in the first list. -
When a
i> bi: This implies that bimust increase to become equal to ai. Thus we add bito sum2 because it is on the path to the next intersection point and traverse to the next element in the second list. -
When a
i= bi: It is an intersection point. Thus we need to compare and find the maximum of the sum variables in order to maximize the sum.
Hence, we have successfully proved that the path taken by this method gives the maximum sum.
Let's assume m be the size of list 1, ai be an element of sequence 1 and
pai be the difference between prefix sum at index i and prefix sum at
previous point of intersection(which is initially 0), n be the length of list
2 , bi be an element of sequence 2 and pbi be the difference between
prefix sum at index i and prefix sum at previous point of intersection(which
is initially 0)
We have to prove that by using the following greedy algorithm we get the maximum sum.
Base Case: We need to show that we get a maximum sum when we have two sequences of length 1.
Since the length is 1, there can be two cases, either a1 and b1 same or they
aren't same. If a1 and b1 are same then the binary search determines that
there is a point of intersection and then adds as max(a1, b1) which are the
same at index 1 to the result variable. Then according to step 4, the
difference generated will be 0 for both the sequences. Hence there won't be any
change in result. Therefore we get the maximum in this case. The second case
when both are not equal, then we directly go to step 4 and accordingly maximum
is chosen from both the sequences from max(pa1, pb1) which is equivalent to
max(a1, b1). Hence the given proposition is true for n = 1 as we get the
maximum sum from this single node path.
Induction Step over i: Assuming that our proposition holds true for sequences of length i, 1 respectively, we need to show that it is also true for i+1, 1.
This means that till i there can be two cases, either intersection occurs or intersection doesn't occur.
- Case 1: Intersection doesn't occur till i
We know that we have maximum sum till the element at index i(assumption). Let
this maximum sum(which is max(pai, pb1)) be m1. Now at index i+1 there might
or might not be be an intersection. If element at i+1 and b1 intersect then we
can tell that we get a maximum sum m1
i+1, b1), as they are identified by the binary search and then added to the result variable. Similar is the case when they don't intersect. Then we directly go to step 4 where we find max(pai+1, pb1) which would obviously give us the maximum sum as the given sequence to us is strictly increasing. -
Case 2: If intersection has occurred at i or before i.
Since the given sequence is strictly increasing, and intersection has already occurred at index i, it means that intersection will never occur at index i+1. Which implies that the maximum would be the prefix sum at index i+1. We have to prove that our algorithm gives that value.
At intersection index k our algorithm chooses max(pak, 1) in step 3. Hence,
the answer generated will be pak. Now after completing to step 4 we will have
the result as Prefix Sum till i, since size of i > 1 which obviously is the
maximum. Similar is the case when an additional element is added. It will be
added in step 4. Since Prefix Sum till i + ai+1 is Prefix Sum till i+1. Hence
the answer is Prefix Sum till i+1^th^ element, which is greater than b1 as
intersection already occurred.
Basic logic behind reasoning in above case is a+b > a, given b > 0.
Hence proved.
Without loss of generality, we can also prove for induction over j.
Hence by induction, we have successfully proved that the path taken by this method gives the maximum sum.
- Time Complexity: O(m+n) where
is the length of first sequence andn
is the length of second sequence. This is because the worst case for this algorithm occurs when there are no intersection points and thus each element in both lists will be added to the sum variables once leading to the above time complexity. - Space Complexity: O(1)
- Time Complexity: O(m*log(n)) where
is the length of first sequence andn
is the length of second sequence, as the worst case will occur when the binary search cannot find an intersection and, cost of each binary search is O(log n) which is iterated m times. - Space Complexity: O(1)
We have used Python's built-in lists & tuples only.
There are no side-effects during execution of this code.
- Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein
- Multivariable Mathematical Induction
- TestCases Format.txt
- Makefile
- correct_tests.txt
- wrong_tests.txt