Simple Circle of Fifths application. Works on both Windows and Linux.
NEW FEATURE! Right click to play chords, Ctrl+click to play notes, Shift-click to play arpeggios.
- PyQt5==5.15.1
- musthe==1.0.0
- tinysoundfont==0.3.6 (if you want sound output support)
- PyAudio==0.2.14 (if you want sound output support)
PyAudio might have som requirements. On my Linux box I needed to install portaudio19-dev on the base system in order to compile the wheel for pyaudio.
Please note that you don't need to install anything if you run the binaries under Releases.
Uses the library and default sound font.
Can be built into a single executable binary using:
- pyinstaller @
- pyinstaller-hooks-contrib==2020.9
pyinstaller --clean --onefile --windowed --icon=note.ico .\
The GUI and resource files are generated from the .ui and .qrc files created with Qt Designer, thus:
pyuic5.exe .\CircleOfFifths.ui -o
pyrcc5.exe .\CircleOfFifths.qrc -o
Chords in key of C Major
A Major - 3 sharps in key
Notes in common chords
Adom7 chord shown on Mixolydian scale
Common chord progressions
Click on center to find key from chords