Manage your recollections
Currently published to private repository.
Here are some tips and tricks.
We have Aspire app host.
dotnet watch build src/Recollections.Blazor.UI
to make blazor recompile on change,dotnet run --project src/Recollections.AppHost
to run apire app host
- Compile SCSS
Execute from command line in root git repository folder:
dotnet ef migrations add {name} --startup-project src\Recollections.Api --project {data_project} --context {context}
dotnet ef migrations add NewMigration --startup-project src\Recollections.Api --project src\Recollections.Entries.Data --context Neptuo.Recollections.Entries.DataContext
From the API project folder:
dotnet publish --os linux --arch x64 /t:PublishContainer
- Update release notes
- Remove aspnetcore hotreload script
From the blazor UI project folder:
dotnet publish -c Release -p:RunAOTCompilation=true