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Releases: openiddict/openiddict-core


25 Apr 16:17
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This release introduces the following changes:

  • Similarly to what was already possible with the OpenIddict client system integration, the ASP.NET Core (and OWIN) hosts now allow overriding the requested scopes dynamically/per challenge. For that, an OpenIddictClientAspNetCoreConstants.Properties.Scope property must be added to the AuthenticationProperties.Items collection with the space-separated list of scopes that should be attached to the authorization request:
var properties = new AuthenticationProperties();

// Override the scopes configured globally for this challenge operation.
properties.SetString(OpenIddictClientAspNetCoreConstants.Properties.Scope, "api_1_scope api_2_scope");

return Challenge(properties, Providers.GitHub);
  • FACEIT is now supported by OpenIddict.Client.WebIntegration.


26 Mar 16:55
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This release introduces the following changes:

  • The client stack now allows configuring and using custom grant types for advanced scenarios:
var result = await _service.AuthenticateWithCustomGrantAsync(new()
    AdditionalTokenRequestParameters = new()
        ["my-custom-parameter"] = "value"
    CancellationToken = stoppingToken,
    GrantType = "my-custom-grant-type",
    ProviderName = provider,
    Scopes = [Scopes.OfflineAccess]


When using a custom grant type, the following logic is enforced by default:

  • A token request is always sent.
  • An access token MUST be returned by the authorization server as part of the token response.
  • An identity token MAY be returned by the authorization server as part of the token response but it's not mandatory (in this case, OpenIddict will resolve it and extract the principal it contains, but won't reject the response if it's invalid).
  • A refresh token MAY be returned by the authorization server as part of the token response but it's not mandatory.
  • A userinfo request is always sent when an access token was returned and a userinfo endpoint is available, unless userinfo retrieval was explicitly disabled when calling AuthenticateWithCustomGrantAsync().
  • The length of user codes - used in the OAuth 2.0 device authorization flow - can now be configured in the server options:


For security reasons, OpenIddict will throw an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if you try to configure a length that is less than 6 characters.

  • The charset used by OpenIddict to create random user codes can now be configured in the server options:
    "B", "C", "D", "F", "G", "H", "J", "K", "L", "M",
    "N", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "V", "W", "X", "Z"


All characters are allowed - including emojis - as long as they represent exactly one extended grapheme cluster (note: non-ASCII characters are only supported on .NET 6.0 and higher).


For security reasons, OpenIddict will throw an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if you try to configure a charset that includes less than 9 characters.

  • The display format used by OpenIddict to "beautify" the user codes can now be controlled using a new options.SetUserCodeDisplayFormat() API:
options.SetUserCodeDisplayFormat("{0}{1} - {2}{3}{4} - {5}{6}");


If no value is explicitly set, OpenIddict will use the same format as in previous versions (i.e multiple groups of characters separated by dashes).

  • User codes are now re-formatted automatically: developers who want to display them (e.g for a confirmation form) are invited to retrieve them using result.Properties.GetTokenValue(OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreConstants.Tokens.UserCode) - so that a properly formatted code is displayed - instead of using OpenIddictRequest.UserCode.

  • The following providers are now supported by OpenIddict.Client.WebIntegration:

    • Atlassian
    • ClassLink (thanks @anarian! ❤️)
    • Clever (thanks @anarian! ❤️)
    • Todoist
    • Wikimedia


04 Mar 16:21
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This release introduces the following changes:

  • Native support for interactive sign-out was added to the OpenIddict.Client.SystemIntegration package. To support this new feature, a new SignOutInteractivelyAsync() API (similar to the existing ChallengeInteractivelyAsync() API used to start a new authentication flow) has been added to OpenIddictClientService:
// Ask OpenIddict to initiate the logout flow (typically, by starting the system browser).
var result = await _service.SignOutInteractivelyAsync(new()
    CancellationToken = stoppingToken,
    ProviderName = provider
  • The client stack now natively supports OAuth 2.0 introspection, which allows querying the authorization server to determine the set of metadata for a given token - typically an access or refresh token - and, depending on the server policy, retrieve its actual content:
var result = await _service.IntrospectTokenAsync(new()
    CancellationToken = stoppingToken,
    ProviderName = provider,
    Token = response.BackchannelAccessToken,
    TokenTypeHint = TokenTypeHints.AccessToken


As part of this change, the introspection implementation of the validation stack was reworked to be consistent with its new client counterpart. Most notably, the ValidateToken event is no longer invoked for introspected tokens (a change that had been introduced in OpenIddict 5.0): developers who want to apply custom logic to introspected tokens/principals are invited to use the ProcessAuthentication event instead.

  • Support for OAuth 2.0 revocation was also added to the client stack to allow revoking an access or refresh token (and, depending on the server policy, the associated authorization grant):
var result = await _service.RevokeTokenAsync(new()
    CancellationToken = stoppingToken,
    ProviderName = provider,
    Token = response.BackchannelAccessToken,
    TokenTypeHint = TokenTypeHints.AccessToken


The Apple, DeviantArt, Discord, Reddit, Trakt and Zoom web providers have been updated to support token revocation.

  • On .NET 8.0 and higher, the OpenIddict.Client.SystemNetHttp and OpenIddict.Validation.SystemNetHttp packages now natively support Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Resilience and use a ResiliencePipeline<HttpResponseMessage> by default (unless an IAsyncPolicy<HttpResponseMessage> was explicitly configured by the user).


If necessary, the default resilience pipeline can be easily overridden using the SetHttpResiliencePipeline() API:

options.UseSystemNetHttp(options => options.SetHttpResiliencePipeline(options =>
    options.AddRetry(new HttpRetryStrategyOptions
        BackoffType = DelayBackoffType.Exponential,
        Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
        MaxRetryAttempts = 2

    options.AddCircuitBreaker(new HttpCircuitBreakerStrategyOptions
        BreakDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
        FailureRatio = 0.9,
        MinimumThroughput = 5,
        SamplingDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)
  • 10 new web providers have been added to the OpenIddict.Client.WebIntegration package:

    • Bitly
    • Box
    • Dailymotion
    • Disqus
    • DocuSign
    • Mastodon
    • Meetup
    • MusicBrainz
    • OpenStreetMap
    • Tidal
  • The Spotify provider was updated to use PKCE (OAuth 2.0 Proof Key for Code Exchange).

  • UWP support in OpenIddict.Client.SystemIntegration is now provided via a dedicated uap10.0.17763 TFM.


As part of this change, the netstandard2.0 and netstandard2.1 versions of OpenIddict.Client.SystemIntegration have been updated to stop using the Windows Runtime APIs (internally used to launch the system browser, integrate with the web authentication broker or handle protocol activations).

The net461, net472, net48, net6.0-windows10.0.17763, net7.0-windows10.0.17763 or net8.0-windows10.0.17763 versions of OpenIddict.Client.SystemIntegration still use these APIs internally - with runtime checks in place to ensure older platforms are still supported - so non-UWP Windows applications should behave the same way as in previous versions.


12 Feb 06:45
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This release introduces the following changes:

  • The client stack now maps ClaimTypes.Name from the standard OpenID Connect name claim when no preferred_username is present.

  • A merged principal containing the claims extracted from the userinfo response and the identity token (if available) is now automatically created by OpenIddict during the refresh token flow processing and exposed via RefreshTokenAuthenticationResult.Principal.

  • Amazon and Exact Online are now supported by OpenIddict.Client.WebIntegration.

  • A bug that prevented attaching a specific token lifetime when using ASP.NET Core Data Protection tokens was identified and fixed (thanks @schneini for reporting it!)

  • The EF 6 and EF Core stores have been optimized to avoid sending unnecessary database queries when creating new authorization and token entries (thanks @Elfster for the suggestion!). The OpenIddictEntityFramework(Core)*Store.FindBy*Async() methods that return a single result have also been updated to try to resolve the entity from the change tracker before sending a query.


18 Jan 17:48
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This release introduces the following changes:

  • Behavior change: the ClaimsIdentity.GetClaim()/ClaimsPrincipal.GetClaim() extension now throws an InvalidOperationException when multiple claims of the same type were found in the identity/principal (instead of returning the first value and ignoring the other ones as in previous versions). See #1957 for more information.

  • Behavior change: the server stack now automatically aborts sign-in operations that specify a ClaimsPrincipal containing a well-known claim with an invalid cardinality or an incorrect value type attached (e.g multiple sub claims or a sub claim created with ClaimValueTypes.Integer instead of ClaimValueTypes.String). See #1956 for more information.

  • Client assertions that don't specify an optional iat claim are no longer rejected by the server stack.

  • A new OpenIddictClientService.GetClientRegistrationsAsync() API was introduced to allow resolving the client registrations in a dynamic way, which can be used in non-ASP.NET Core/OWIN applications (e.g console or desktop applications) to easily list the supported web providers:

var provider = AnsiConsole.Prompt(new SelectionPrompt<OpenIddictClientRegistration>()
    .Title("Select the authentication provider you'd like to log in with.")
    .AddChoices(from registration in await _service.GetClientRegistrationsAsync(stoppingToken)
                where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(registration.ProviderName)
                where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(registration.ProviderDisplayName)
                select registration)
    .UseConverter(registration => registration.ProviderDisplayName!)).ProviderName!;
  • A new DisableUserinfo property was added to RefreshTokenAuthenticationRequest to allow disabling userinfo for specific refresh token requests (e.g when using refresh tokens with the client credentials grant).

  • The client and server stacks have been updated to automatically restore the authentication properties initially set by the application (via ProcessChallengeContext.Properties or ProcessSignOutContext.Properties) and attach them to the authentication context (ProcessAuthenticationContext.Properties). This scenario was already supported by the ASP.NET Core and OWIN hosts, but is now supported for all integrations, including OpenIddict.Client.SystemIntegration and OpenIddict.Client.WebIntegration:

// Ask OpenIddict to initiate the authentication flow (typically, by starting the system browser).
var result = await _service.ChallengeInteractivelyAsync(new()
    CancellationToken = stoppingToken,
    ProviderName = provider,
    Properties = new()
        ["custom_property"] = "value"

// Wait for the user to complete the authorization process.
var response = await _service.AuthenticateInteractivelyAsync(new()
    CancellationToken = stoppingToken,
    Nonce = result.Nonce

var property = response.Properties["custom_property"];


22 Dec 12:27
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This release introduces the following changes:

  • A regression preventing introspection requests from being correctly handled by the server stack was identified and fixed (thanks Thomas Sauter for reporting it! ❤️).


18 Dec 16:19
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For more information about this release, read OpenIddict 5.0 general availability.


14 Dec 14:21
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5.0.0-rc1 Pre-release

This release introduces the following changes:

  • TokenValidationParameters.ClockSkew is now supported by OpenIddict, that will honor it when validating the expiration date of a token.

  • A bug preventing the OpenIddictClientService.ChallengeUsingDeviceAsync() and OpenIddictClientService.AuthenticateWithDeviceAsync() APIs from flowing the additional device authorization request/token request parameters set by the application was identified and fixed (thanks @hangy for reporting it! ❤️)

  • A bug preventing signing/encryption certificates from being correctly sorted was identified and fixed (thanks Stefan Chiriac for reporting the issue and suggesting the fix!)

Note: 5.0.0-rc1 is the last preview before RTM ships next week. As such, OpenIddict users are invited to start testing 5.0.0-rc1 and share their feedback to ensure no regression affects their applications.


02 Dec 08:42
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This release introduces the following changes:

  • A bug preventing the OpenIddictClientService.ChallengeUsingDeviceAsync() and OpenIddictClientService.AuthenticateWithDeviceAsync() APIs from flowing the additional device authorization request/token request parameters set by the application was identified and fixed (thanks @hangy for reporting it! ❤️)


01 Dec 09:17
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5.0.0-preview3 Pre-release

This release introduces the following changes:

  • On .NET 7.0 and higher, the Entity Framework Core stores now use bulk updates and bulk deletes when large amounts of entities are expected to be updated/removed. If necessary, bulk operations can be disabled by calling options.DisableBulkOperations() in the OpenIddict EF Core stores options.

  • A new IOpenIddictTokenManager.RevokeByAuthorizationIdAsync() API was introduced to dramatically improve the performance of token revocation when using the Entity Framework Core (.NET 7.0+-only) or MongoDB stores.

  • The Entity Framework Core stores that use IDbTransaction were updated to run these operations inside execution strategies, which allows using the built-in stores with options.EnableRetryOnFailure() without having to override them.

  • The IOpenIddictAuthorizationManager.PruneAsync() and IOpenIddictTokenManager.PruneAsync() APIs (and the corresponding stores methods) now return the number of authorizations/tokens that were removed.

  • Constants for the standard claim request members were added (thanks @davhdavh! ❤️)

Note: 5.0.0-preview3 is likely one of the very last previews before RTM ships later this month. As such, OpenIddict users will be invited to start testing 5.0.0-preview3 and share their feedback during the next few weeks.