Prototyping and visualizing the Vivaldi algorithm in Elixir.
1. Clone the repo
git clone [email protected]:pixyj/vivaldi.git
2. cd
to the vivaldi
cd vivaldi
3. Fetch dependencies
mix deps.get
4. Run tests
epmd -daemon
mix test
5. Build the vivaldi
6. Copy the binary to a bunch of servers
7.On each peer,
7.1 Install Erlang
7.2 Start the epmd daemon
epmd -daemon
7.3 Start the peer.
(Assign a unique node_id to each peer)
./vivaldi --nodeid <node_id> --nodename <node_id>@<node_ip_address> --cookie <cookie>
8. Start the algorithm using the controller.
You can run the controller on your local machine using iex
8.1 Start iex
iex -S mix
8.2. List all peers
peers = [
# And so on
8.3 Start the controller node
alias Vivaldi.Experiment.Controller
cookie = :<cookie>
ip_address = "<ip_address>"
Controller.start :"controller@#{ip_address}", cookie, peers
And we're done! Let the algorithm run for a few minutes.
9. Collect Results
A file call my_events.json
will be placed in the visualization directory.
10. Visualize!
Follow instructions at the visualization directory.