Hi! 👋 Excited to have you here. Riot's examples serve as a tutorial for building libraries and applications. Each example is a small complete project, with its own README, and next steps to take.
You can start at ./1-hello-world and work your way up.
- 1-hello-world – a small program to get you started
- 2-spawn-process - creating your first process
- 3-message-passing - sending a message to a process
- 4-long-lived-processes - creating a process that runs forever
- 5-links-and-monitors - getting to know when a process terminates
The following tutorials are in the works:
- 6-supervisors - how to keep processes alive
- 7-supervision-trees - using supervisors to structure work
- 8-applications - packaging an application
- 9-logger - using the built-in Logger
And in future releases, as new work is done on the runtime and the Riot standard libraries, we'll be covering more topics such as:
- Gen servers
- Agents
- Binary-string matching
- Best-practices around typing messages
- Application-level tracing