Creates an image of rows and columns of all of the featured images of posts within a certain set of parameters in WordPress.
There are the following options available at the top of the file to set some defaults. Always make sure to set the default post type that should be queried.
$config = array(
'canvas_width' => 1600, // final image width if not trimmed
'canvas_height' => 1200, // final image height if not trimmed
'columns' => 7, // number of images per row
'padding' => 10, // space between images
'max_images' => 50, // keep this set to a reasonable number to prevent memory issues
'default_type' => 'POST_TYPE', // type must always bet set
'default_tax' => '', // optional
'default_term' => '', // optional
'aspect_ratio' => array( 3, 4 ), // width, height
Pass the file to an img src and attach taxonomy name, term name, and/or trim to the query string if you need to pass those options.
alt="Composite of Featured Images" />