###Using d3.js Non-linear and Color Scales
Example below shows how to visualize a randomly generated 4 dimensional data with Scatter Bubble chart.
For x-y axes linear scales are used. To exagerate the difference between the bubble sizes Power scales are used instead (Which is fine since after all data is randomly generated). The color spectrum to visualize the fourth dimension is using color scale.
<iframe height='477' scrolling='no' src='//codepen.io/sepans/embed/Xbzqxp/?height=477&theme-id=17280&default-tab=result' frameborder='no' allowtransparency='true' allowfullscreen='true' style='width: 100%;'>See the Pen d3.js and p5.js - Scales by Sepand Ansari (@sepans) on CodePen. </iframe>