- None
- Supports for adding UIImage to string directly
- None
- None
- None
- Remove cartfile to avoid circular reference when installing it via carthage
- None
- None
- Fix that cancelButton is set to nil on iOS 11
- None
- Add Podfile and Cartfile
- The demo target bundle identifier has been changed to "ge-nie-inc.SwiftyPickerPopoverDemo"
- None
- Add setLocale() to DatePickerPopover
- Improve comments and polish code
- None
- None
- Improve the layout of SampleViewController
- None
- None.
- None
- Fix circular reference.
- Fix that popover size cannot be set correctly when tapping clear button.
- Fix that another popover will unintentionally disapper after the specified time when executing disappearAutomatically().
- None.
- Add setSize() to resize popover.
- None.
- Rename baseView: to baseViewWhenOriginViewHasNoSuperview: of AbstractPopover's appear(), configureNavigationController() and configureNavigationController().
- When the originView has its superview, you no longer need to set baseView:, which has been renamed to baseViewWhenOriginViewHasNoSuperview:.
- None.
- None.
- Add color: to setDoneButton(), setCancelButton() and setClearButton().
- None.
- None.
- Polish code of StringPickerPopover's attributedTitleForRow.
- None.
- None.
- Add setRowHeight() to StringPickerPopover.
- Add setImageNames() to StringPickerPopover to dispay image like UITableViewCell.
- None.
- None.
- None.
- Fix that .date style DataPicker crashes on iOS 9.x.
- Change setXxxAction() to setXxxButton().
- Add setArrowColor().
- None.
- None.
- None.
- fix that setSelectedRow() does not work.
- None.
- add Japanese localization to Demo.
- fix "Could not find a storyboard named 'StringPickerPopover' in bundle NSBundle".