TestQuality SDK is a JavaScript and TypeScript package that you can use in your node.js or browser applications to access the TestQuality API.
Further documentation of the API can be found on https://doc.testquality.com
For an example of using the API, review https://github.com/BitModern/testQualityCli
The client is the root of SDK, you must create a Client object in order for the SDK functions to work.
To request a client id and secret please contact [email protected].
const singleClient = new ClientSdk({
// clientId is provided when registering your app
clientId: 'your client id',
// clientSecret is provided when registering your app
clientSecret: 'your client secret',
// errorHandler is convient function for capturing any backend error,
// errors are also provided in promises
errorHandler: (newError: HttpError) => {
// persistentStorage is required if saving the tokens is needed,
// this may not be the case if you are using personal access tokens
persistentStorage: new EnvStorage(),
// logger provides way of captures any log information
logger: logger as LoggerInterface,
There is a rich set of functions available for performing crud opperations with TestQuality data. Please look under the ./src/gen to learn more.
There are two ways to authenticate, either via login or personal access token.
If a personal access token has been generated. Once client is created set the token.
const client = new ClientSdk({...});
client.getAuth().setToken({access_token: 'your personal access token'});
... call functions ...
const client = new ClientSdk({...});
client.getAuth().login('email', 'password', true /* store token using persistentStorage */);
... call functions ...
Before you run the tests, you need to specify a email and password in .env file. Look at the .env.example.
cp .env.example .env
Then to run tests
yarn test