2x apps 'accounts' and 'fenlandlp'
- extends user model with 1-1 'Profile' model
- related 'Organisation' model to stakeholders group by organisation and avoid duplicates and errors e.g. to avoid situations like: 'Environment Agency', 'EA', 'Env Agency' from arising
- related 'Client' model, so agents camn use same login to submit comments on behalf of there different clients (a small number of agents often represent many landowners)
-Following urls work (I think):
/signup - form with additional fields from Profile model, except 'Organisation' as this is a foreign key field (not sure what to do about this), and gdpr as this is a True/False field (just need to change field type)
need to create a view to allow agents to add clients, add organisatiosn, and allow all users to edit their profile
A basic blog app. The 'blog' represents the Local Plan, with 'posts' representing individual sections of the plan e.g. 'housing'
Has following urls:
/consult - plan index showing snippet of individual sections and sidebar to log in
/consult/[post title] - section of plan showing comments, and comment form where logged in
comment form grabs 'user' and 'post', and allows user to select their client from filtered list, type plain text and upload a supporting file
comments must be approved in admin before they can be viewed
- added all models, customised layout a bit
- Posts created using Summernote WYSIWYG editor, which looks pretty good but not as fancy as Wagtail. Only reason I'm not using Wagtail is I got a bit confused with views :-s