File Finder is a python app who with the help of this program, you can find all the files and folders whose names are similar to the name you searched for and get their path by searching for the name of the desired file in a relatively short time.
- Web-based graphical user interface
- Non-graphical console user interface for low-end computers
- High speed
Web version is web-based graphical user interface for someone who don't like work with console and they want to work with better appearance.
Console version is non-graphical user interface for low-end computers or someone who like to work with console.
Installing FileFinder is very very ease, Just need download a release version who you want and extract it.
Lastest: FileFinder v1.1
Download the console version lastest release or other versions from releases page
Go to the project directory
cd 'Console Version'
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run program
or run with double click on batch file FileFinder.bat
Download the web version lastest release or other versions from releases page
Go to the project directory
cd 'Web Version
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run program with command
or run with double click on batch file FileFinder.bat
Client: HTML, CSS, Js, JQuery
Server: Python, Flask
Contributions are always welcome!
Join to my discord channel for contact with me.
Please adhere to this project's code of conduct
It is true that the project is open source, but any copying without mentioning the source is prohibited