MRL5_Mission5 is a Rental Property Listing Website developed as part of Mission Ready Level 5. This project aims to create a platform where users can list and browse rental properties.
- VS Code: A code editor for efficient development.
- Git: A version control system for tracking changes in your code.
- GitHub: A web-based platform for hosting and collaborating on Git repositories.
- GitHub Actions: Automate workflows and CI/CD pipelines.
- Docker: Containerization platform for easy deployment.
- Docker Compose: Define and run multi-container Docker applications.
- Postman: A popular API testing tool for API development and testing.
- React with Typescript: A powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces, enhanced with static typing.
- TailwindCSS: A utility-first CSS framework for styling your web application.
- Node + ExpressJS: A server-side JavaScript framework for building robust web applications.
- MongoDB: A NoSQL database for storing and managing data.
- Jira Scrum Template: A project management tool for agile development, helping teams plan, track, and manage their work.
- Teams: A collaboration platform for communication and teamwork.
Here are some screenshots of our web pages:
Here is the evidence of our work:
To get started with this project, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Set up the development environment by installing the required dependencies.
- Start the front-end and back-end servers.
- Access the application in your web browser.
We welcome contributions from the community. If you'd like to contribute to this project, please follow our contribution guidelines.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.