Is designed to provide a seamless booking experience for guests looking to stay at the Hotel. The application caters to both potential and actual guests, offering comprehensive information and functionality to manage their reservations efficiently.
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Next.js: The most popular React meta-framework, handling routing, SSR, data fetching, and even remote state management.
Context API: Used for managing global UI state within the Next.js application. Alternatives like Redux can be used, but Context API will suffice for this project.
Supabase: Utilized for data storage and API services. We will leverage the data and API built in the first "Wild Oasis" project.
Tailwind CSS: A modern way of writing CSS, extremely easy to integrate into Next.js. Most styles and markup will be pre-written in this project.
- Users of the app are potential guests and actual guests.
- Guests can get information about each cabin and see booked dates.
- Guests can filter cabins by their maximum guest capacity.
- Guests can reserve a cabin for a specific date range.
- Guests can view all their past and future reservations.
- Guests can update or delete a reservation.
- Guests need to sign up and log in before they can reserve a cabin and perform any operations.
- On sign-up, each guest gets a profile in the database.
- Guests can set and update basic data about their profile to make check-in at the hotel faster.
- Reservations are not paid online; payments are made at the property upon arrival.
- New reservations are set to "unconfirmed" (booked but not yet checked in).