This program was made to allows EE 319k students (or anyone who finds themselves using an ST7735R LCD screen) to easily make art for their videogame.
If you wish to use this program with Python 3 rather than the executable, the only requirement is PILLOW so that you can import pictures. If you are new to python, follow these steps:
1.) Install Python3 (add the python executable to your path if you are using the command line for accessability) *Versions of python other than python 3 and up will not work with this GUI *tkinter, the module that creates the GUI is included in Python3
2.) Navigate to the folder in which pip is installed using the command line/terminal. *Pip allows one to easily download libraries *Pip will be where your python deafault scripts are stored.
3.) Do: pip3 install PILLOW *If you have multiple versions of python isntalled, pip3 will make sure that PILLOW is installed in the correct directories.
4.) Download the file and place it in a folder. The folder will help contain images that you will import into the program.
5.) To run the program with the command Line/terminal, do: python *your directory *Example, if my program is in a folder in my downloads directory, do: python C:\Users\your_username\Downloads\folder_name\
No configuration required.
Program is in, let's say, alpha. It is not perfect and will have some bugs.
Zachary Williams
Q: I define a color and click on a color and nothing happens. What do? A: You are most likely defining a color that is not supported by tkinter. Click on View->Color Chart to see all supported colors. If you are using a hexadecimal value, make sure it is 16/24/32 bit color and you include the "#", such as "#000FFF000