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🌱 Avicennia Germinans

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This project is not intended for production use. It is an exploritory project that is a work in progress. There be dragons! You have been warned!

Extending on the work of Hashicorp's Vault PKI backend, this project aims to provide the following components for the Algorand Blockchain.


  • PKI: Public Key Infrastructure
  • CA: Certificate Authority


  • Root CA: Primary entity for the source of trust (codename Avicennia Germinans)
  • Intermediary CA: Delegated trust by the RootCA (codename Propagule)
  • Validator CA: Delegated trust by the IntermediaryCA (codename Validator)

Why Avicennia Germinans?

This project is named after the Black Mangrove, a species of mangrove tree that is native to the Americas. The Black Mangrove is known for its ability to grow in saltwater and is often found in coastal areas. The Black Mangrove is a pioneer species, meaning it is one of the first species to colonize an area. This project aims to be the first to colonize the Algorand Blockchain with a Certificate Authority.

Why a Certificate Authority?

A Certificate Authority is a trusted entity that issues digital certificates. Certificates are based on the x.509 standard and are used in many applications, including TLS/SSL, VPNs, and code signing.

Following in the footsteps of Let's Encrypt, this project aims to help secure the internet as a public service.

🎉 Getting Started

Make sure you have the following installed:

Bootstrap all the project dependencies by running the following command:

algokit boostrap all
algokit project run build

Navigate to http://localhost:8200 to view the vault UI and Certificate Authority.


  • Define REST/RPC interface for Certificate Authority (possibly hijack hashicorp vault's PKI backend via a plugin)
  • Define REST/RPC interface for Validator (see certbot for inspiration, also possibly a plugin)
  • Bind the PKI state to the Algorand Blockchain using the CertificateAuthority smart contract

🏗️ Class Diagram

  CertificateAuthority "1" --o "1" Certificate : Owns
  CertificateAuthority "1" --o "1" Metrics : Provides

  class CertificateAuthority {
    +String name
    +String revokation_list
    +Certificate cert
    +Metrics metrics

    -initialize(String) bool
    +sign(SigningRequest) bool
    +revoke(String) bool
    +renew(String) bool

  Germinans "1" --> "*" Propagule : Produces
  Germinans <|-- CertificateAuthority : Implements
  class Germinans {
    +String guid

  Propagule <|-- CertificateAuthority : Implements
  class Propagule {
    +int root

  Validator <|-- CertificateAuthority : Implements
  Propagule "1" --> "*" Validator : Produces
  Validator "1" --> "*" Certificate : Produces

  class Validator {
    +int root
  class Certificate{
    +String public
    -String private
  class Metrics{
    requests: UInt64
    issued: UInt64
    revoked: UInt64


🌱 Chain of Trust on Algorand







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