A Demo Implementation of React Semantic UI with Webpack 4
node -v // v10.15.0
npm -v // 6.5.0
OS // Win10 x64
npx create-react-app todo
cd todo
yarn add semantic-ui-react
yarn add semantic-ui-css
move your index.html to src also the favicon.ico to images and the manifest.json to json folders if you want of course :D ...
to import images => import favicon from "./images/example.[ext]";
to import others => require("./json/manifest.json");
config webpack.config.base
don't forget to change
host: "" // this is my ip address local
port: 3000 // port to launch the live server
launch the build firstly then lunch start or in my case i use live server extension of vscode.
cool that all have a good code !!!