This repository is a demonstration of how to build a locked sandbox environment in Azure leveraging Private Link Scope. The environment is designed to be a secure environment for developers to build and deploy applications. The environment is designed to be locked down to only allow access to the Azure Core and the Azure Core's resources.
- The AKS cluster is deployed to take advantage of the new isolated deployment model, where a managed ACR caches containers from - removing the need for the AKS cluster to have internet access.
- Each subnet in the application stamp has been configure to disable outbound access.
- Private Link Service is used to expose the AKS Ingress Controller to your Azure Core
- Private Link Service is used to expose the Azure Container Registry to your Azure Core
Component | Usage |
Azure Kubernetes Service | Container Orchestration Runtime Platform |
Azure Cosmos DB | Data storage for application |
Azure Event Hubs | Kafka equivalent resource in Azure |
Azure Container Registry | Azure Container Registry for containers |
Azure Virtual Network | Azure Virtual Network for all resources and private endpoints |
Azure Private Link Service | Exposes AKS Ingress Control back to your Azure Core |
vi ./infrastructure/azure.tfvars
#core_subscription = "43a071dd-5b86-475f-960b-59f814e4f070"
#dev_subscription = "1fc91beb-c262-400a-a4e0-b5eec229e46e"
#deploy_jumpbox = false
#deploy_cosmos_db = true
#deploy_event_hub = false
#node_count = 3
#node_sku = "Standard_D4s_v5"
az login --scope #Code requires AAD permissions
task up
az login --scope
task down
- Developer checkouts out branch in code repository using Github Codespaces.
- Developer updates code and develops againist a dedicated mini-cluster either in the Codespace or against AKS in Azure
- This repository shows an example of this
- Developer checks in Code
- Azure Container Registry has a Build Task configured to monitor for code changes
- Azure Container Registry builds the application container
- Developer Updates Helm chart with new container version
- Flux on the Sandbox AKS cluster monitors for updates for updates to the Helm chart and deploys updated code to the cluster
- Diagnostic Logging for each Azure resource will be sent to the Sandbox's Log Analtyics resource
- AKS Cluster Insights is configured to ship node and pod utilization as well as container stdout/stderr to the Sandbox Log Analtyics resource
- Application should include AppInsights SDK or Otel SDK to send application logs to the Sandbox's AppInsights resource
- The environment can be updated to incldue Azure Manage Grafana and Azure Managed Prometheus
- The Azure Cli AKS subcommand has the ability to run commands on a private AKS cluster without having direct connectivity.
- This can be used for one-off commands including viewing logs
task run -- "kubectl get nodes"
task: [run] az aks command invoke -g monkey-14304_rg -n monkey-14304-aks --command 'kubectl get nodes'
command started at 2023-05-05 15:08:35+00:00, finished at 2023-05-05 15:08:36+00:00 with exitcode=0
aks-default-86141613-vmss000000 Ready agent 134m v1.26.3
aks-default-86141613-vmss000001 Ready agent 134m v1.26.3
aks-default-86141613-vmss000002 Ready agent 134m v1.26.3
aks-default-86141613-vmss000003 Ready agent 108m v1.26.3
aks-default-86141613-vmss000004 Ready agent 64m v1.26.3
task run -- "kubectl get pods -n bookstore"
task: [run] az aks command invoke -g monkey-14304_rg -n monkey-14304-aks --command 'kubectl get pods -n bookstore'
command started at 2023-05-05 15:09:26+00:00, finished at 2023-05-05 15:09:27+00:00 with exitcode=0
details-v1-bdb97665b-ptqn4 2/2 Running 0 106m
productpage-v1-6f769fcbc6-qxlww 2/2 Running 0 106m
ratings-v1-5744f4c948-ll89x 2/2 Running 0 106m
reviews-v1-98c4d66d-m68kl 2/2 Running 0 106m
reviews-v2-58778c5cb-4h8jp 2/2 Running 0 106m
reviews-v3-85f56ccb56-2dtd9 2/2 Running 0 106m
task run -- "kubectl logs todoapi-84664fcfc8-qnxpg"
task: [run] az aks command invoke -g monkey-14304_rg -n monkey-14304-aks --command "kubectl logs todoapi-84664fcfc8-qnxpg"
command started at 2023-05-08 17:28:15+00:00, finished at 2023-05-08 17:28:16+00:00 with exitcode=0
info: todoapi[0]
Application is ready to run.
warn: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel[0]
Overriding address(es) 'http://+:80'. Binding to endpoints defined via IConfiguration and/or UseKestrel() instead.
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[14]
Now listening on:
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Hosting environment: Production
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Content root path: /app/
info: Todos.TodoController[0]
- At times, VM resources maybe required to do deep dive troubleshooting.
- This can be accessed through a free Azure Bastion Developer SKU. You can SSH into a Linux machine via the Azure Portal to troubleshoot