A python program for downloading thumbnails for BBC television series. It uses the episode or series PID to download matching thumbnails.
- BeautifulSoup (pip install beautifulsoup4) - Crummy BeautifulSoup
- lxml (pip install lxml) - Crummy Info
The first run of the program will start the configuration dialogue:
python bbcthumb.py
Input the wanted default resolution: 1920x1080
Input the wanted default destination: C:/Users/User/Desktop
Do you want to skip episode name fetching (1 for yes, 0 for no): 0
Saved config! Closing.
Config can also be done using --config.
To download the thumbnail of one episode of a series (in other words one pid of an episode), do the following:
python bbcthumb.py [pid]
where [pid] is replaced with the pid of the wanted episode. The program will find the thumbnail link, adjust the resolution and download it to the default download directory.
Downloading thumbnails for multiple episodes is the same as it is for one, just add more pids. For instance:
python bbcthumb.py [pid] [pid] [pid]
The program will seek links for all of them and download them one after the other. The same error might be seen as in the first example.
When downloading thumbnails for an entire series of a programme use the series pid rather than a single episode pid and use the argument --series, like this:
python bbcthumb.py --series [pid]
The program creates an additional folder in the download directory that has the series name so that all thumbnails of a single series are in one place.
usage: bbcthumb.py [-h] [--res resolution] [--dest destination] [--series] [--nonames] [--config] [-v] [pid [pid ...]]
Download BBC programme thumbnails.
positional arguments:
pid programme pid
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--res resolution define the thumbnail resolution (Default: 1920x1080)
--dest destination define the destination folder (Default: C:/BBC)
--series whole series thumbnail download (currently limited to one series)
--nonames skip fetching episode names (Default: False)
--config run configuration of default values
-v, --verbose run program with debug verbosity
This is it for now, more info and perhaps a wiki page with upcoming updates.