ESLint ruleset including required ESLint plugins for josundt TypeScript projects
Make sure you have installed and configured
first -
Install this package
npm install @josundt/eslint-config
Create an
file in the root directory of your project with approximately the following content:import tsBrowserConfig from "@josundt/eslint-config/ts-browser"; import tsJestBrowserConfig from "@josundt/eslint-config/ts-jest-browser"; // When the project has JEST tests const config = [ { ...tsBrowserConfig, files: ["src/**/*.ts"] }, { ...tsJestBrowserConfig, files: ["test/**/?(*.)+(spec).ts?(x)"] } ]; // Otherwise const config = { ...tsBrowserConfig, files: ["src/**/*.ts"] }; export default config;
All configurations:
(for browser environment code).["@josundt/eslint-config/ts-node"]
(for node environment code).["@josundt/eslint-config/ts-jest-browser"]
(for Jest tests for browser environment code).["@josundt/eslint-config/ts-jest-node"]
(for Jest tests for node environment code).
script to your project's package.json file:{ // ... "scripts": { // ... "lint:ts": "eslint src test --format visualstudio" // ... } // ... }
Test the script:
npm run lint:ts
Task in Visual Studio Code:
- Add the following to
{ //... "tasks": [ //... { "label": "lint:ts", "type": "shell", "command": "npx", "args": ["eslint", "src", "test", "-f", "stylish"], "group": "build", "problemMatcher": "$eslint-stylish" }, //... ] //... }
- Add the following to
Live Code Analysis in Visual Studio Code:
- Install extension for VSCode: ESLint (dbaeumer.vscode-eslint)