The POC (Proof Of Concept) consists of collecting data based on an e-mail, format them and make a visual presentation. Such visualization was the one that interest people especially in areas related to the profiling.
This project was created as a POC (Proof Of Concept) for #eko13. The interest of several people for this project excited us, so we release the code of the POC and create a new better project related.
For the installation you must have python 2 and pip. The repository must be cloned :
git clone
cd iKy-POC
git submodule init
git submodule update
The required libraries must be installed :
pip install -r requirements.txt
The Datasploit project needs the APIs configuration of the services to be used. For more information, refer to How to Generate Api Keys.
Since the POC uses datasploit from pip, by executing the following command you can configure the APIs.
python src/datasploit/
The APIs (that need key) used in this POC are :
- FullContact
- GitHub
- MailBoxLayer
In any case, the program is validating them, reporting what is missing.
The project is simple. Run the to wake up the server :
The default parameters are :
- ip :
- port : 5500
But they can be changed :
python -h
python -i
python -p 5500
python -i -p 5500
Once the server is executed, from the browser enter the ip:port chosen.
Not for this project. Soon we will release an improved project based on this and there you can contribute.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details