Fingon is an auxiliary look and feel which brings a "sound and feel" to the Swing applications. Using speech synthesis, sounds and music, Fingon is able to give the user an audio feedback about what happens in the interface and information about its current state.
Each component has its own audio rendering. A basic example is when a single-state button is actioned, either by mouse or by keyboard, the label, if exists, is said by the speech synthesizer, or a sound is played otherwise. A more advanced example is the text components support. when the user types text in a textfield, textarea, text pane or editor pane, the speech synthesizer says the words as soon as they are identified so the user has a immediate feedback about what he is typing. If the user selects a piece of texts with the mouse or the keyboard, the speech synthesizer says again the selection. The rendering is customizable, so developers can use others sounds, deactivate some components.
Finally Fingon gives an easy access to basic assistive technologies for the visually impaired people as well as a richer rendering. The underlying third parties are mostly JSAPI implementations, and java sound with additional providers.