Front end developer, they/them. I fight for the Users.
#NoTechForApartheid #NoTechForICE
- 1997-1999: Surfing the World Wide Web, a Netizen in Cyberspace, exploring the Electronic Frontier, a Webmaster (reading excitable articles in Wired and joining webrings with my GeoCities home page)
- 2000-2001: Front end developer (is what you'd call it now); wow I can do my hobby for a living, sweet - once identified a crash bug in Netscape Navigator 4.7something for Mac
- 2002-2008: Perl hacker, observed the death of a language; burnout
- 2009-2017: Other things
- 2018 to now: Front end's is back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (wolf Howl)
Just odds and ends, I don't really program as a hobby any more.
I try to give back to projects from which I've benefited by improving the documentation, either directly or by offering feedback from a learner's perspective.