This code simulates the scenarios presented in
Can the US return to pre-COVID-19 normal by July 4th?
Seyed M. Moghadas PhD, Pratha Sah PhD, Thomas N. Vilches PhD, Alison P. Galvani PhD
The file run_scen.jl runs the scenarios related to behavioral changes. The main parameters to be changed are:
-- day_insert_kids that represent the day in which teenagers are allowed start getting the vaccine. It is either 274 (June 1, 2021) or 304 (July 1,2021)
-- back_normal_rate that represents the increasing in the contact rate when people who is not vaccinated yet are allowed to interact. We simulated 2.15285253=>1 (pre-pandemic contacts) 1.506996771 =>0.7 (70% of pre-pandemic contacts) and 1.82992465 =>0.85 (85% of pre-pandemic contacts)