Enhance the viewer x Discuss format x Idea leave viewing to existing program - stl, ply and vrml > Stl - no color, less good in long term > ply - As color, seems starndad - Created with trimesh create mesh and create ply file x Better viewer ~ add direction of detectors x view fov
Clean up a little
Extract lut and save it
displaying normalisation
- Show relative effeciency, alpha or color?
Display doi ou material
Crystal intersections, debug feature
Add simplified view
The purpose of this repo is to provide capabilities to reproducea scanner geometry using either the STL or PLY 3D format.
The Emission Tomography Standardization Initiative (ETSI) is working towards establishing a standard for PET Raw Data, called PETSIRD ("PET ETSI Raw Data"). More information is on https://github.com/ETSInitiative/PETSIRD.
Some additionnal features are following.
An option was added to draw a cylinder, giving the capabilities to the user to also show a field of view.
- Open your repo in GitHub Codespaces or
in a VS Code devcontainer.
This codespace/container will contain all necessary tools, including
itself, as well as your repository. - Use
to generate C++ and Python code for the model:
cd YourRepoName
cd PETSIRD/model
yardl generate
cd ../..